
With our 4 types of remote reading, gemweb manages, analyses and maintains the data the meters or smartmeters gather. The meters also measure the energy and water magnitudes of the main connections, as an important complement to the energy billing data of both high as low voltage.

Types of authorised gathering of energy

animated infographics
  1. Direct access to the meter
  2. Through our own gemcom equipment
  3. Through an APP with any type of mobile phone
  4. Fixed installation of approved meters


More detailed management and greater degree of optimisation:

Billing forecast.

Validation of billed consumptions.

simulation of offers among companies.

simulation among access rates.

Remote readdata managed by gemweb every quarter of an hour:

active and reactive power.

Consumption of imported and exported active energy.

Reactive energyconsumptionsby quadrants (q1, q2, q3, q4): imported and exported, inductive and capacitive.

Cosine of phi.

Instantaneous figures for:

Active and reactive energy consumption totalisers.

active and reactive power, by phases and total.

voltage in each phase.

Operating current in each phase.

Cosine of phi in each phase and total.

As well as:




Compatible systems with dlms and IEC 870-5-102 protocols.

2g / 3g, gsm and lan communicationsolutions

Serial, optical or pulse port connection solutions.


gemweb manages, analyses and maintains the data the meters or smartmeters gather. The meters also measure the energy and water magnitudes of the main connections, as an important complement to the energy billing data of both high as low voltage.

Total or partial knowledge in real time and handling of:

inside temperature by sectors, outside temperature or temperature at air-conditioning system inlets or outlets.



Concentration of CO2 in the air.

instantaneous electric quantities.

With the possibility of conducting

detailed studies and analysing each sector or area.

remote control of the installation.

automation of scenarios.

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